
How to import Lightroom presets 2024?

Presets are powerful tools in any editing software and are crucial in stunning pictures. They simplify our workflow and provide outstanding results in just a few clicks. Whether you use Lightroom Classic, CC, or Lightroom mobile on Android or iOS, downloading presets is straightforward. Here in this article, we will guide you through all the essential steps that will be helpful for all the versions of Lightroom, ensuring you can make the most of your presets across the platform.

Lightroom presets

Installing and importing Lightroom presets on L.C

Adobe Lightroom Classic is very different from Adobe Lightroom Mobile, used primarily by professional photographers. The supported format of Lightroom presets in Lightroom Classic are .XMP file. Here, we will discuss the installation and importation methods of presets in Lightroom Classic.

Method 1; Importing Presets

  • Download the Lightroom presets that you want to install in Lightroom Classic. Presets are primarily downloaded in .XMP files or temple, an old file format(old version).
  • Open the Lightroom Classic, and click on the “Develop” module on the front interface.
  • The “ Develop” module has a “ presets” panel on the left. You can expand the screen by clicking the triangle icon to see more clearly.
  • In the “preset” panel, click right and select “import.”
  • A file dialog will appear before you; use it to locate the downloaded presets.
  • Select the file that you want to install and click on the “ import”  button.
importing presets in lightroom
  • (Elective) Lightroom Classic allows you to organize your downloaded presets for easy access. For this,  right-click in the “presets” panel and choose the “ new folder.” Assign a name to the folder and drag the presets into it.
  • Imported presets will show in the “preset” panel.
  • To apply a preset on a photo, click on the presets’ names. Lightroom will automatically use the presets on the image where needed.

Method 2 ; Drag and Drop

  • Download the Lightroom presets that you want to install in Lightroom Classic.
  • Open the “File Explorer” on your computer or “ finder” in Mac/iOS. A file dialog will appear before you; use it to locate the downloaded presets.
  • Select the files you want to install and drag them directly into the Lightroom classic window.
  • Lightroom automatically detects the dragged file. Now click on the “import” button.
  • (Elective) Lightroom Classic allows you to organize your downloaded presets for easy access. For this,  right-click in the “presets” panel and choose the “ new folder.” Assign a name to the folder and drag the presets into it.
  • Imported presets will show in the “preset” panel.
  • To apply a preset on a photo, click on the presets’ names. Lightroom will automatically use the presets on the image where needed.

Method 3; via Lightroom classic preference

  • Go to the Lightroom Classic’s top menu bar and click(Edit)on “preference.”
  • In the preference box, there is a “ presets” tab. Click on it.
  • Within the “Presets” tab is a button labeled “ Show Lightroom Develop Presets.” Click on it.
lightroom classic preferance method
  • In Lightroom Develop Presets, there is an option for copying your earlier downloaded preset files, or you can move them. You can organize them by creating a subfolder.
  • Refresh the Lightroom Classic to ensure it has newly added presets.
  • Your imported presets will show on the preset panel. You can apply them to a photo by using their name.
copy/paste method

Import Lightroom presets on Lightroom mobile

Method 1

When you import Lightroom presets in windows/ Desktops, these presets are automatically saved in the mobile app by synchronizing method. So once you import the presets into Lightroom desktops, your mobile app is connected to iCloud. You don’t have to worry about importing them separately on your mobile.

Method 2; using DNG files

  • Download the Lightroom presets that you want to install. In Lightroom mobile, the preset downloading format is DNG.
  • To import a DNG file, click the + icon in Lightroom mobile.
  • Select the  “from files” option.
  • A file dialog will appear in front of you. Use it to locate the downloaded presets.
  • Select the DNG you want to install and click the “ import”  button in Lightroom mobile. You can select multiple files at once.
  • Choose” Create preset” in the menu setting to save the current preset setting.
  • A dialog box will appear where you can name a preset according to ease.
  • After naming, tap on “save” or “ create” to save your preset file
  • The newly added presets are now available in your presets library.
  • To apply on photos, select a new image, go to the preset tab, and select the newly created preset.
  • After applying the preset to a photo, you can make additional changes according to your desire.
  •  If you are satisfied, you can save or export your edited photo.

Method 3’ Import User Presets

  • Install the Lightroom mod app on your Android.
  • Click on the plus/image icon or add a new project.
  • Click on the “preset” at the bottom of the screen.
  • At the top is an icon of three dots; click on them and select the “import presets” option.
  • A file browser will open in front of you. Select the preset files that you want to import.
  • Tap on preset files that are in DNG format. You can choose multiple files at once.
  • Tap “import’ or “add” to import them in Lightroom mobile.
  • Your imported presets will be shown on the presets panel and ready to use.
  • To apply on any photo, select preset with nam and apply.
  • You can add adjustments according to your choice and create a desired look.

Final words

We are doing our best to explain every importing quickly method Lightroom presets . All methods are not compulsory to apply. Go with any that is easy for you. We hope this article will be understandable for you and has a solution to your problem. Reading alone is not enough; you must apply these methods to make your work easy practically.

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